Can You Still Make A Speech Even If You Hate The Groom?

Posted by Dana on Thursday 21 October 2010

Yep, I actually got asked this the other day.

“I’ve got to make a Maid Of Honor Speech and I hate the groom. He’s a jerk. What should I say?”

Well my first instinct was to come up with some witty put downs for the groom but then luckily, I started to think. Then it got scary. So here goes…

Ask yourself  WHY you do not like him.

Are you jealous of her, or maybe of them as a couple?

Do you know something about him that your friend or sister (the bride) does not? Is he a bad or dangerous person (history of violence etc). Has he had affairs during their relationship? Has he had an affair with someone she knows (please say it wasn’t you!)?

If it is not any of these, then maybe you have picked up on some  doubts that the bride has (that she is afraid to admit, confront or own up to). She may harbour serious doubts about the marriage but be scared to do anything because arrangements are at an advanced stage.

You may have stumbled on something that needs to be addressed.  Maybe they have different reasons for wanting to get married (“it was the next step” or “all of our friends’ were getting married” etc). Perhaps they have different expectations of what the marriage will be. Maybe he has some doubts that need to be addressed?

Whatever it is, it needs attention now, not at the wedding. Making your feelings known during the wedding speeches is too late, pointless and will lead to trouble. You may fall out with the bride just when she needs you most.

Just remember, if you are making the maid of honor speech, then they are already married and it will be too late. Maybe, just maybe however …he IS just a jerk, period.

This did not turn out as I thought it would but please let me know what you think (no spam or backlink only comments. It takes me ages to delete them).


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