Maid of Honor Speeches – Go Easy On The Booze!

Posted by Dana on Wednesday 20 October 2010

maid of honor speeches

Hey girls, this seems so obvious but it still creates mayhem. It’s unfair that the guys seem to get away with it rather than the girls (hey that’s life) but too much alcohol on your part could spell disaster. You want people to remember the maid of honor speeches for the right reasons.

Your friend’s / sisters / cousin’s wedding is always an emotional time. Your maid of honor speech is going to be difficult at the best of times as well as you having to follow others such as the bride and groom and the parents of the bride and groom.

It is so tempting to have a little tipple to “calm your nerves” before your maid of honor speech. Well, there’s a huge difference between calming your nerves and causing a riot! I’ve seen girls swear, insult the bride’s relatives or make themselves look complete and utter fools. It’s a guarranteed way to foul up the wedding (but be remembered by everyone for years to come for all the wrong reasons).

The most embarrassing one I have seen is a “lady” stop halfway through her speech because she could not remember what she was supposed to be saying. Everyone thought something really profound was going to be said but nothing happened.

She never thought to look down at her notes. Everyone was too polite to say anything until the Bride’s father decided enough was enough and thanked her for her contribution. It’s funny now but at the time it caused a lot of grief.

So, just be careful how much you have before your maid of honor speeches (including guzzling the champagne meant for the toasts). You can let your hair down (not yourself) later in the day.

maid of honor speeches


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